Publisher FAQ

We will be pleased to answer your questions about publishing an advertisement.

  1. How does the program work?
  2. How much is paid to me?
  3. When are the payments made?
  4. Is there any register fee?
  5. Can I send traffic from every site?
  6. Can I use the advertisement code on more than one site?
  7. Do you accept a site other than Turkish?
  8. How can I get the advertisement code?
  9. Where should I insert the advertisement code?
  10. How much is your recommendation amount?
  11. Can I add more than one advertisement code into one page?
  12. When are the advertisements displayed on my site?
  13. Can I publish the advertisements on search result pages?

Can I send traffic from every site?

The requirements are stated in our publisher criteria. The accounts that violates the publisher criteria are cancelled.

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