인터넷 광고
똑똑한 과일들은 (여기서 똑똑한 과일이라고 함은 광고를 칭한다) 상대 홈페이지내용을 검색함으로써 인터넷 광고를 한다. 귀사의 인터넷광고는 귀사가 정한 검색단어 또는 귀사의 주제로 동의한 홈페이지에서 광고를 낸다.
우리 광고전문가들이 10만개 이상의 홈페이지에서 매월 약 1조 이상의 인터넷광고관리를 한다. 귀사가 귀사의 광고 내용과 비슷한 내용을 둘 우리 회원사들로 매칭되고 따라서 많은 반응 (피드백)을 받을 수 있는다.
To Give an Advertisement |
To Be a Publisher |
Minimum Offers
The Best Price Guarantee
Format |
Unit |
Minimum Offer |
Text Banner |
1 Click 0.05 USD |
Rich Media |
1000 Demonstration 0.09 USD |
Graphic Banner |
1 Click 0.05 USD |
Pop-Donw |
1000 Visit 4 USD |
Full Page |
1000 Demonstration 9 USD |
Proof System
Advanced advertisement technology of “Reklam Agaci” examines every demonsration and click and it also calls off artificial clicks automatically which do not bear the user specification.
In Addition, the advertisements are monitored momentarily by our traffic control team. Doubtful advertisement traffics are detected in the same day and added back to the account. |
Content Advertisement
Internet users spend most of their times such as %47 in content sites.
“Reklam Agaci” creates new opportunities in order to gain high return and to brand your products and services.
Google Advertisement
İRP which serves content and search engine advertisement services from 2004 till now is one of the first qualified Google Adwords companies in Turkey.
Professional IRP Team who manage MSN, Yahoo, Google search and content advertisements give service to you. |
Campaign Management
A special account manager are appointed to your account.
Detailed reports are presented in order to monitor your Advertisement Performance.
You can manage your advertisement campaigns online for 7/24.
You can control your costs with max. click offer and daily budget.
Return Follow-up (ROI)
How adventageous are your ads?
Sale (How many purchases are counted)
Record (How many people have signed up to your site?)
Demonstration (How many times have one of your certain pages viewed?)
Form (How many visitors have filled in a contact form?)
You can monitor how much have your advertisements value added for you thanks to the return follow-up code which you will add to your site. Return follow-up Program are used in CPA (cost per action) advertisement programs.
우리 광고전문팀이 귀사의 광고를 발표하면서 보도를 합니다. 우리 서버에는 월 1조이상의 인터넷광고가 관리됩니다. |