From 2004 to today, IRP (Internet Advertisement Package) which provides content and search engine advertisement services is one of the first qualified Google Adwords companies. The Reklam Agaci that IRP supports is the solution partner of Clicksor in Turkey who has established itself in the world. Reklam Agaci which gives safeness thanks to its technological understructure is getting bigger from day to day with new publishers and advertisers.

Why Reklam Agaci?

Internet is a communication tool through which every kind of user reach to the information in the shortest time notwithstanding the time and place. The internet which was used to be referred in order to collect information only, is used for the aim of communication and sharing in our day, and heads off all of the other channels in terms of advertisement. Being economical and measurable take place amongst the most important reasons why internet advertisement is so tempting.

Internet is indispensible for the companies in the era of communication.

Therefore, companies prefer internet advertisements which are easy reaching to the target, cost efficient and whose recovery can be monitored in order to make their publicity. Online advertisement which directly reaches to the target mass also decreases cost of marketing.

Reklam Agaci meets together the ones who want to give internet advertisements for publicizing products, brands and services and the ones who want to make earnings by publishing advertisements on their web sites.

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Karaca Ltd., Sistemim.com.tr
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