Be an Advertisement Agency

Smart Fruits presents content-targeted internet advertisement opportunities. You can offer new internet advertisement opportunities to your current customers as Reklam Agaci Agency.

Our Advertisement Network

You can offer to your customers the opportunity to give advertisement at one time to the big or small size sites which give quality content. Our advertisement network is getting bigger increasingly from day to day.

Intelligent Advertisement

Our technology examines every publisher page automatically. As the advertisements are published on related pages, advertisement costs are more economical. You get higher recovery for the advertisements that are published with the same budget.

To Start

  1. Complete a single page agency account register form.
  2. Sign an agency contract.
  3. You and your customers start to earn.

Uma equipa profissional emite as suas publicidades fazendo relatórios, mais de mil milhões de visualizações de publicidade são geridas por mês.
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