Publisher Criteria
As Reklam Agaci, creating a secure and satisfactory internet experience for your visitors is our first priority. Therefore, all our publisher sites must meet the following criteria:
- The publisher site must have minimum 1000 pages demonstrated daily.
- Publisher site cannot include media that contains child pornography and animal sex as well as such types of links.
- Publisher site cannot contain any kind of content that malign and accuse a person or institution.
- Publisher site cannot merchandise products which do not have license.
- Publisher site cannot contain any kind of content that is illegal. (e.g. How can a bomb manufactured?, How can a credit card be stolen? etc.)
- Publisher site can not contain proxy site connections.
- Publisher site can not contain assaulting and wild content.
- Publisher site can not contain agitations pertaining to race, ethnical origin, politics or religion.
- The pages publisher site must be on the stage of construction.
- The pages publisher site must not be published from free servers.
- Publisher site can not modify the Reklam Agaci codes that it integrates.
Uma equipa profissional emite as suas publicidades fazendo relatórios, mais de mil milhões de visualizações de publicidade são geridas por mês . |