Advertisement Formats

Reklam Agaci supports 11 advertisement formats, too.

  1. Search Find Advertisement
  2. Graphic Banner Advertisement
  3. Full Page Advertisement
  4. Layer Advertisement
  5. Text Link Advertisement
  6. Text Banner Advertisement
  7. Pop-Down Advertisement
  8. Rich Media Advertisement
  9. Video Advertisement
  10. XML Advertisement
  11. Video Layer Advertisement

Rich Media Advertisement

Rich Media Banners provides opportunity to add interactive content to the advertisements in the same dimensions. Current technology offers quite flexible and creative dimension for rich media banner design.

Rich Media has established itself in the advertisement sector with high click rates. They are generally designed with Macromedia Flash, because strong features are combined with qualified graphics by adding sound and animation. This feature enables the advertisements to be much more attractive. In addition, designs for overlapping actions can be made with a click or mouse.

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